Hoover Dam is located on the border between Arizona and Nevada. The project provides water and hydroelectric energy to the area, and is powered by the Colorado River. Property investor Kenny Slaught acknowledges the importance of the project on his blog at KennySlaught.com. The damn’s large water capacity helped many abandoned areas flourish.

Read more: http://markets.financialcontent.com/investplace/news/read/33814702/Kenny_Slaught_

The Hospice of Santa Barbara offers its services to those terminally ill and their families. The initiatives focus on children who lost a family member. One in 20 kids lose a parent before adulthood, with 20 percent facing the death of a caretaker before turning 18. Hospice of Santa Barbara helps these children avoid mental health issues later on. 

 Read more: http://markets.financialcontent.com/investplace/news/read/33587936/Kenny_Slaught_

Architect George Washington Smith was the founder of the Spanish Revival architecture style about 100 years ago. He left Harvard to work in business and planned to retire to Santa Barbara. However, his designs were so successful that he continued creating them, and he eventually became Santa Barbara’s founding father. Smith’s works are famous for their complexity, due to his use of authentic Spanish materials. Many new artists followed his lead, and Kenny Slaught celebrates the detail oriented eye required for such pieces. 

Read more: http://markets.financialcontent.com/streetinsider/news/read/33774794

Santa Barbara is located north of Los Angeles and is a popular tourist spot. The city’s structures have a rich history, and its Spanish inspired style came from the desire to limit uncontrolled growth. Kenny Slaught, Santa Barbara property , details how the city’s architectural history was kept throughout the years.

Read more: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kenny-slaught-historical-events-influenced-215900075.html

At the Hospice of Santa Barbara, individuals facing terminal illness and their families are provided support via various programs. Many of these address children who recently suffered a loss, as 20 percent of them lose a caretaker before the age of 18. It is also estimated one in 20 children’s parents die before the child reaches adulthood. The organization offers support to these individuals which helps them mitigate depression, PTSD and anxiety.

Read more: http://markets.financialcontent.com/investplace/news/read/33555035/Kenny_Slaught_