The service and hospitality industry is an exciting field which offers great opportunities at competitive salaries, and provides graduates the chance to hone their passion and pursue their goals of becoming a great chef, manager, or hotel admin. The Culinary Arts and Hotel Management program offered at SBCC is diverse, touching on many different aspects of the service industry, of all different sizes. Accruing skills like these can help people find careers not only locally, but gain the skills necessary to relocate practically anywhere else in the world. Kenny Slaught points out that the program, “can prepare students to start their own businesses and fulfill their dream of becoming a business owner and working for themselves.”

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The Council on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction held its 13th Annual Gratitude Luncheon Honoring its Mentorship Program, Wednesday, March 8 at the El Encanto Santa Barbara. The luncheon was founded by Anne Smith Towbes to celebrate the mentor program, which is 28 years strong.

This year, the CADA honoree mentor is Kenny Slaught. He was born in Los Angeles, attended UCSB and was a founding board member for the Storyteller Children’s Center. A father of six children with wife Elizabeth, he volunteered seven years ago to be a mentor at CADA after his kids went off to college. He has been a mentor to two students for that time, one of whom was recently accepted into Loyola Marymount University to study law. Slaught is a member of the Santa Barbara Dream Foundation Board and the UCSB Board of Trustees.

The luncheon program commenced with CADA Director of Major Gifts Catherine Remak as emcee. She introduced the program highlights and the 2023 Teen Star winner, Andrew Diffenderfer, a Dos Pueblos High School student. He sang, “You Lift Me Up” while a slide show of the mentees played.

The CADA Executive Director Scott Whiteley spoke next. He quipped, “Five years at CADA… not bad for a temp job!” He thanked CADA’s first President and CEO Penny Jenkins, and the community treasures who attended the luncheon, including Rona Barrett and therecently retired SB Zoo President & CEO Rich Block; President of the James S. Bower Foundation Jon Clark; President & CEO of CALM SB Alana Walczak; Executive Director of New House SB Adam Burridge; City of SB Councilmember Eric Friedman; Erin Graffy;Chairman & CEO Montecito Bank & Trust Janet Garufis; and Remak for her years of service with CADA. Whiteley remarked that CADA has matched over 1,000 kids with mentors in its 28 years, and many are the first in their families to attend college.

Next, Towbes introduced the keynote speaker, Joe Lambert. She said, “I am grateful to once again celebrate CADA’s mentor program. I know the room is filled with friends and mentors who have affected each of us. Let’s take a moment to thank them for their importance in our lives. Joe and I met 15 years ago over coffee. We share a love of music and the arts. We know how important the arts are in raising self-esteem, teaching camaraderie, learning how to focus and being willing to do the hard repetitive work to get it right. Joe has deep roots in SB and has lived here for 60 years – looking good Joe, just sayin’! [with a laugh] His true passion is bringing out the best in young people through music, and he founded Teen Star 14 years ago. Thank you, Joe, for giving our young people a way to share their talent.”

Lambert began by saying, “Anne I disagree with you, you look better than me!” He then shared his personal journey, where at eight years old he lost his mother to cancer, and his dad became an alcoholic. A track coach encouraged him to join and another to be the Student Body President. He had a scholarship for college, built a successful business, invested in his church, and rebuilt a childhood he never had. Lambert encouraged his kids to go for their passion, and he did the same for himself when he founded Teen Star. He showed a video of students in the Teen Star program. He provided his grateful thanks to Virgil Elings of the renowned Elings Family, Remak who is a celebrity judge for Teen Star, Michelle Apodaca, Bob Bryant, and Earl Minnis.

Garufis and Remakled the ask, drawing in approximately $23,000.

Noted attendees were Rinaldo and Lalla Brutoco, Jon Clark, Carol-Anne Lonson, John and Marti Daly, Andria Kahmann and John Raymont, Melody Taft, Perri Harcourt, Gordon Auchincloss, Cynder Sinclair, and Jill Nida.

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Storyteller Children’s Center, which provides early childhood education and much more to children living below the poverty line, has been struggling for months to obtain the city’s approval to install a toddler playground it procured with grant funding. Despite best intentions and efforts, its attempts to move forward have been stymied, and with the old, dated equipment demolished, the children are left with an empty playground.

When Storyteller removed the old playground equipment and began installing new play equipment last August at its 2115 State Street location, neighbors complained that the shade screen poles could be seen from behind the fence. A couple neighbors claimed the equipment needed to be more muted in color.

Even though the playground area is in the rear of its property, not visible from the street, Storyteller paused the work. Shortly thereafter, the city red-tagged the property and on September 12 posted a Stop Work Notice, which stated that the playground was being altered without a permit.

Storyteller — led by board members, including real estate investor Kenny Slaught — had not sought a permit because from the board’s reading of the city’s code, one was not required. This was confirmed by its playground vendor, Play & Park Structures, which does removals and installs across the country and advised the board that a permit is never required for a replacement toddler playground. The equipment is for children 6 to 23 months in age.

When presented with the Stop Work Notice, however, Storyteller was eager to comply and immediately inquired what type of permit is needed, but according to Storyteller representatives, the city would not specify.

In the meantime, Storyteller sought to remove the shade screen poles because of concerns voiced by neighbors. However, the city would not allow the removal without a demolition permit, which in turn Storyteller was not allowed to apply for until the city issued a Notice of Violation.

On October 20, the Notice of Violation was issued, stating that a building permit is required to install the new equipment. While Storyteller hired a consultant to work through permit needs, the city communicated that accessibility requirements must be met and recommended that Storyteller hire a Certified Access Specialist to assist them with this.

According to Storyteller’s project team, there are no accessibility requirements for toddler playgrounds, but given the city’s insistence, Storyteller hired a Certified Access Specialist to prepare an assessment. The report, obtained on February 28 and submitted to the city the same day, confirmed that because the playground is for toddlers under the age of 2, there are indeed no accessibility requirements. The permit planner and Access Specialist added nearly $20,000 to the project.

What Storyteller seeks to do, according to Executive Director Dr. Gabriella Garcia, is replace an inaccessible sand surface with an accessible, resilient, and safe play surface. Each structure and the surfacing of the new playground are accessibility improvements from the old, sand-based playground.

One of the many positive outcomes of the playground, she shared, is that it will not only be fun and joyful, but also easier for all people to move around in. “There’s a science behind this, with the equipment designed to develop a host of skills through play — physical, social-emotional, sensory, cognitive, and communications skills,” added Garcia. “Even the colors are rooted in trauma psychology research.”

When asked about the accessibility requirement for this story, the Community Development Department Building & Safety Code Compliance Supervisor handling the matter stated that he did not realize until he received the accessibility report on February 28 that occupancy of the playground would be by toddlers under the age of 2. Given this, he stated, the proposed install will not trigger accessibility requirements.

According to him, two more issues still need to be resolved: the removal of small trees and bushes and any issues related to the shared easement status of the land on which the playground sits. Storyteller has submitted information regarding these issues and is hopeful that this will satisfy the city.

What’s needed, according to Slaught, is for everyone to get together and work together so that the children can have a playground. Slaught related that he is used to encountering obstacles in the development process, but what’s different here is that the terrible harm is borne by disadvantaged preschool children, who are left with an empty playground.

Storyteller, which has been at this site for 25 years, is a therapeutic preschool where all children come from families living below the poverty line. Last year, 82 percent of the children had single parents, and some were homeless. Storyteller also provides comprehensive support services for families.

“Storyteller has been a beacon of social change at this location for nearly three decades,” emphasized board co-chair Erinn Lynch. “It is our hope that the city process is not misused by a few neighbors who may not want to coexist with the normal operations of a school. These young children already endure challenges and adversity. Many face housing insecurity and a lack of place to call home. To attempt to limit their play spaces and the joy of outdoor play — it’s shortsighted. It’s not what this community is about.”

A dedicated, well-intentioned board and staff, a generous funder, and parents all hope that these toddlers, all living below the poverty line, will be able to get their new playground equipment soon.

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Santa Barbara entrepreneur and property investor Kenny Slaught has recently reviewed on his blog at several great career opportunities and training programs offered by Santa Barbara City College. These are especially designed for those not pursuing college credits but instead interested in learning something new. The community of Santa Barbara is a space known for providing its citizens with many prospects in career advancement as well as professional training in skills that are relevant in the real world. Slaught, Having mentioned before the many ways the community comes together and pushes forward programs that benefit all of those who call Santa Barbara, home, discussed the many options available to those interested, including Computer Network Engineering, Culinary Arts and Hotel Management, Environmental Horticulture, Graphic Design, among others.

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With only a few years in the market, crowdfunding portals have already rapidly grown over 150 startups throughout the nation, specializing in real estate. Nearly 7% of the U.S population qualifies as an accredited investor. In highly urban areas like Southern California, this number reaches 20%. Software applications such as CrowdEngine, RealtyShares, CrowdForce, amongst others, have made it possible to raise money from the general public legally, with some borrowers attracting 90% of equity requirement through direct contributions from the community. Data analytics applications like Rentlytics, on the other hand, provide owners greater transparency into their portfolio’s performance and make management a breeze. With a diverse background in developing state-of-the-art properties for the past 35 years, Kenny Slaught is convinced that California remains one of the most active states in the real estate market right now. Using cutting-edge software applications to raise capital, borrowers and sponsors have generated more than $53 million through 90 residential, multifamily, and commercial properties in Sacramento, San Francisco, and the Bay Area.

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As technological development revolutionizes America’s real estate industry, the property management sector has become more efficient and profitable. New platforms offer numerous online collaborations and –more importantly –workflow automation are gaining popularity, largely due to their ability to provide prompt access to accurate and consolidated data and information flow. President and founder of Santa Barbara-based Investec Real Estate Companies Kenny Slaught offers insight into how California developers can best apply innovative models and cyber operations in their business strategies.

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Kenny Slaught, long time real estate investor, discusses how some of the most famous Santa Barbara architecture features include: the centuries old Hotel Virginia, El Pueblo Viejo district and the two pink towers of the Old Mission. The brightly colored tiles of the County Courthouse showcases brilliant displays of murals and other striking features. The ornate clock tower with an observation deck is nearby, providing a panoramic view of the entire city. The Lobero theatre not only houses the region’s premier performing arts events, but also dates back to 1873 and was rebuilt in the 1920’s by George Washington Smith. These are just a few examples of the rich history found in Santa Barbara.

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Santa Barbara a scenic, coastal town, is widely recognized as a world famous tourist destination. It is located just north of Los Angeles and it is full of beautiful buildings with a rich architectural history. From Spanish inspired homes to intricately adorned archways and structures, the city was created with the intention of an appealing design that would restrict uncontrolled growth. As a passionate Santa Barbara real estate developer, Kenny Slaught, provides insight into how the architectural integrity was maintained throughout the years. He explains that maintaining the natural charm of this region was intentional and as early as 1925, city planners enacted development controls to prevent waning of Spanish Colonial architecture. Controls were put in place and guidelines were designed to preserve unique structures and community areas. In 1960, Santa Barbara even established laws to protect historic landmarks found around the city.

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The Santa Barbara Bowl, the area’s large outdoor music venue, is working to make the arts available to the larger community via a number of education outreach initiatives. The foundation funds programs that help around 20,000 students each year through non-profit arts programs, individual artists, and local schools. Long-time supporter of community, Santa Barbara-based property developer and investor, Kenny Slaught furthers these programs via his blog at

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Hospice of Santa Barbara provides a wide range of services to benefit individuals facing terminal and chronic illness, as well as their families. Several of the programs at the Hospice focus on the needs of children dealing with the impending or recent passing of a loved one. Explains Kenny Slaught, about one in five children experience the death of a loved one prior to turning 18, and one in 20 children faces the loss of one or both parents prior to reaching adulthood. Hospice of Santa Barbara seeks to provide people in this situation with free counseling through numerous paths, aiding individuals in coping with grief to avoid or mitigate depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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Kenny Slaught explains that Hospice of Santa Barbara provides a compassionate care services both to individuals facing terminal and chronic illness, as well as their loved ones. Many of the programs at the organization are directed at the needs of children as they struggle with the impending or recent death of a close family member. About 20 percent of children experience the passing of a loved one before they turn 18, and one in 20 children must face the loss of one or both parents during their childhood. Hospice of Santa Barbara provides individuals in these situations with free support programs to help them cope with grief to avoid or mediate depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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Hospice of Santa Barbara provides a wide range of support not just to individuals facing terminal and chronic illness, but to their families as well. Many of the Hospice’s programs focus on the needs of children as they work through the impending or recent passing of a loved one. About 20 percent of children under 18 experience the death of a loved one, and one in 20 children must handle the loss of one or both parents before they reach adulthood. Kenny Slaught notes that Hospice of Santa Barbara endeavors to provide families and individuals in these situations with free mentorship through numerous programs, helping individuals cope with grief to avoid or reduce depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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